Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My cousin David is a poet (and an English professor). When I was young I would try to read this poetry books that my parent's had stacked on their book shelf (same shelf as the classic "North and the South" by John Jakes---god I loved Patrick Swayze back then). Anyway, I could never really understand the meaning of his poetry and it always made me feel nonliterary. I thought it might be interesting if I brought a book of his poems to book club...we could read a poem or two and everyone could share in their amazement that I'm related to someone who speaks so eloquently (yes, I had to use spell-checker for this entire post).

Here's a link to some of his work in anyone is interested...

1 comment:

Allison said...

Neat! Definitely bring one of his books to our next meeting. I didn't appreciate poetry until I had to analyze it for AP English. I really admire the ability to convey so much meaning in so few words.

Ah, North and South. My aunt had that and Gone With the Wind on VHS tapes and I would watch them over and over at her house.