Thursday, May 1, 2008

Some New Blogs

Here are some noteworthy blogs I visited as part of the Weekly Geek challenge.

Tripping Toward Lucidity - Well when I saw she was in NC, I had to visit. She has excellent taste and a lovely blog layout.

Bybee's blog is personable, honest and interesting. I could not stop giggling about and envying her Middlemarch dream featuring Will Ladislaw.

Tammy in FL's blog documents her reading, and her attempts to complete 101 goals in 1001 days! She is a girl after my own heart.

Everyday Reads
- a lovely and insanely readable blog. And she gets it when she speaks in beatitudes about Atonement, which you'll remember got nods as our book club's most admired selection.

Book Club Classics - I like how this blog is book club-oriented; not just book review or book news oriented. For any of you who are searching for ideas about what to pick for your next selection, she maintains a great list.


Allison said...

Thanks for all the new blogs to read. When I saw Tammy's 1001 days project, I definitely thought of you, Liz.

Lightheaded said...

a lovely and insanely readable blog

That part made my day! Thank you Liz! I adore your blog title - I love food as well! But obviously I've yet to browse through your blog and see other treasures hidden here.