Friday, December 28, 2007

The Friday List! Best Holiday Movies

The holidays are always a good time to catch up on movies, whether it's at the movie theater or lounging around watching DVDs at home. What have you seen recently that's good? Bad?

Russ and I had a double feature on Wednesday night: The Golden Compass and Charlie Wilson's War. The Golden Compass was kind of terrible. It is almost always hard to watch a film adaptation of a book that is so well-loved. It looked amazing, and the actors were well-cast, but the structure of the story made all the interesting things you discover along the way just exposition. I don't see how people who haven't read the book could really care about what was going on in the movie. And the ending? Ugh. I felt embarrassed for the film because half the theater groaned at the ending and said, that's it? What the hell is Dust anyway?

On the other hand, Charlie Wilson's War was great! It was especially interesting after having recently read A Thousand Splendid Suns. Tom Hanks was a pleasure to watch. I highly recommend it.

More holiday movies I'd love to get out to see:
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Sweeney Todd
The Kite Runner
and of course Atonement, after it comes out next week

1 comment:

Allison said...

I've had several people recommend Charlie Wilson's War so that's definitely on my list. That's too bad Golden Compass was disappointing but that does seem to be the way it goes with movie adaptations. I'm hopeful for Atonement. I also want to see There Will Be Blood.