Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Eat, Pray, Love: The Sequel

Another memoir from Elizabeth Gilbert is coming out in January. Titled Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage, it's a follow up to the previous book, exploring her marriage to "Felipe," the man she met her "Love" chapters.

What do you think? Was Eat, Pray, Love enough? Or are you ready for more Gilbert?


Allison said...

I think Eat, Pray, Love was enough for me. I read the article but the book just doesn't grab me.

Cindy said...

I agree with Allison. The second book looks mildly interesting but not something I woudl rush out to buy.

Anonymous said...

Pain and suffering is the stuff of good books--and girl was going through a shit divorce when she wrote Eat, Pray, Love. It's great that it had a happy ending, but who wants to read about her joyous new life with Felipe? Just not sure where the conflict is there--feels to me like she'd have to contrive some to make it work.

Pam said...

hmm. I think she should've left well enough along. It now just seems like she's trying to "cash in." Of course, I can't blame her really. Although, I wonder how much of it was the push of the publishers.