Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Bookish Meme

From BTT. . .

What, in your opinion, is the definition of a “reader.” A person who indiscriminately reads everything in sight? A person who reads BOOKS? A person who reads, period, no matter what it is? … Or, more specific? Like the specific person who’s reading something you wrote?

Post your answer in the comments!


Liz said...

I would call someone a reader if they are always in a book, that is, they are never not in the process of reading something. Like I always have my book I'm working on (at least one). People would always have an answer to the question "What are you reading now?"

Allison said...

I think books are key. I know people that read the newspaper every day but never read books so I would not call them readers. I like your definition Liz, of always having a book you're working on.