Monday, March 24, 2008

Genius Recipe

Happy Monday everyone!! I just had to share this genius recipe I made yesterday for Easter/Charlie's birthday. It is going to be an Easter tradition in my house . . .

Yes, it's Peeps Fondue! I deserve no credit, I didn't make it up. It was featured in Real Simple's online article, New Uses for Peeps. Melted chocolate and cream (with a bit of vanilla or brandy added) vastly improves the stale cardboard taste of Peeps. It absolutely delicious in a deep fried candy bar sort of way. Plus, if your friends and family are all secret sadists like mine are, there is great pleasure taken in stabbing the cheerfully tacky bunnies and chicks and dunking them in molten chocolate.

My Basic Recipe (adapted from Real Simple):
1 1/2 c. heavy cream
1 1/2 12 oz bags semisweet chocolate chips
a few dashes vanilla extract or almond extract, or brandy or some other booze
plenty of Peeps!

Bring cream to a simmer on stove top. Mix in chocolate chips and extracts. When melted transfer to fondue pot and serve.


Allison said...

I can't remember - is a peep marshmellowy? If so, I could see how this would taste good.

Liz said...

Yes - stale marshmellowy.