Friday, March 21, 2008

Entering the Wake

We've got until May, but it must be said: Finnegans Wake - holy shit. Have you people been reading about this? Check the wikipedia and Amazon reviews. Then confess all fears and trepidations in the comments here. I am right there with you. I think if we just approach it without looking for a story, it could be fun.

Also I think the Joseph Campbell key to Finnegans Wake looks really interesting. Maybe some of us could read that instead of FW?

Here's a story about a book club affiliated with Boston College that is entirely devoted to Finnegans Wake.


Dawn said...

Holy shit is right. I just looked up the wiky definition.."John Bishop opened his introduction to Finnegans Wake in 1999 with these less-than-encouraging words: "There is no agreement as to what Finnegans Wake is about, whether or not it is 'about' anything, or even whether it is, in any ordinary sense of the word, 'readable'."[1] Since Joyce's sentences are packed with obscure allusions, often written in dozens of different languages, it remains impossible to compile a definite synopsis of Finnegans Wake." I'm not sure I'm smart enough to read this book!

Allison said...

Also daunting from the wikipedia description: "Critics disagree on whether or not discernible characters exist in Finnegans Wake." I always thought Ulysses was supposed to be Joyce's hard book. I think I'm going to use the 50-page rule on this book.