Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Bookish Meme

From BTT . . .

You’ve just reached the end of a book . . . what do you do now? Savor and muse over the book? Dive right into the next one? Go take the dog for a walk, the kids to the park, before even thinking about the next book you’re going to read? What?

My answer's in the comments!


Liz said...

I pick out my next book. Sometimes I start reading that next book right away, sometimes I wait until the next morning. But I always go to my shelf, or bedside pile, and get out the one I'm going to read next. I put my bookmark in it, and the official transition has been made.

Allison said...

If I've just finished a really good or intriguing book, I'll go online and read everything about it that I can: reviews, author interviews, blog posts, etc. I usually don't start another book right away; I typically just read on weekends so it may be a week or several weeks before I pick up another one.

I remember after I finished Cold Mountain I had to go for a walk because I loved the characters so much that I needed to just absorb what had happened to them.

Sonya said...

I usually take the rest of that day to rest and absorb- sometimes that means just going to sleep, others it means taking the whole day. I like to be able to digest what I just read first- I almost never read two books at once because it makes it hard to concentrate on just one.