Saturday, February 23, 2008

Blog Crushes

Most of us are here because we are a little bit addicted to blog reading, blog writing, blog commenting, or all three. Like memoir, the essence of blog isn't really the quality of the writing, or the meaning of the story. It's how much you like the author. As a reader, you find a voice you like, that makes you feel good, that you want to check in with every day, maybe joke around with in the comments if you're feeling daring. And when you post your comments? You spend 30 minutes editing 30 words. OK, maybe you all don't. But that's kinda how it is for me. Sounds a lot like . . . a crush! Blog crushes - we all have them. Who are yours?

My top blog crushes of the moment:
Mike Doughty, rock star. Most endearing post - confessing that he didn't vote in the primary.
Matt Raymond, Library of Congress director of communications. I just learned about this site this week as it was nominated by South by Southwest for a best blog award.
Mrs. Furious, stay at home mom. She's been documenting her cooking, housekeeping and weight loss for about a year now. And she totally cracks me up! (See this post on one of her most memorable gifts from her husband.) I love any SAHM who curses as much as she does.
Gretchen Rubin, founder of The Happiness Project blog. This is like one of those intimidating crushes on a professor. I can't quite keep up with her life improvement tips. But she's really cool.

1 comment:

Allison said...

So I've given this a lot of thought and I'm not sure I have any blog crushes. I read a lot of blogs but I don't think I've ever been interested in commenting on any of them. Maybe because a lot of the blogs I read are "popular" and therefore already have tons of comments. I guess the two bloggers I would most like to be real life friends with are Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot.