Wednesday, November 21, 2007

October 1999: Lolita

Lo. Lee. Ta. We discussed this book so long ago, but it still resonates with me. The writing is simultaneously breathtakingly beautiful and uproariously funny. But the subject is so horrifying that as a reader, you can never relax into the prose or the story. Whenever I really think about it, I'm awestruck.

We had a great discussion on this book but it occurred at a time when our book club was the smallest - only Dawn, Katie and Liz made it to this meeting. We even tried to drum up excitement by serving only desserts. Still only the three of us came. I'd love to know what our current members think of this book.

Hmm . . . maybe I'll pick another Nabokov when it's my turn next! Perhaps Ada, or Ardor. It's supposed to be pretty steamy. (Just look at the cover!) Which leads me to my next post . . .

1 comment:

Edith said...

I read Lolita only 2 years ago. I remember it was the summer after I graduated from Fordham. Lolita is an especially interesting book because the narrator is rather unlikeable, which is a super hard thing to pull off. Most writers can't do it. You're right about never being able to settle comfortably into the book. You don't quite trust the guy, but still. You can't look away.